

Breast cancer with metastasis to liver and bone.  Hi Janice...Tumour markers have come down by 30 points.  Liver now ok..no bone mets as well.  Thanking God for his mercies!


Balance Disorder. Over the last few years I've been through a lot of trauma without realising it had affected me in so many ways.  My body was not functioning as it should and I was just coping and carrying on every day. I had become quite frail and my balance was affected.  Janice noticed my frailty; although I would never have described myself in that way, she did and she was right.  On discussion she sent me something for my ears and recommended some other things.  This has changed my life.  It worked very quickly and usually on a long haul flight I have problems with pain in my ears for days and for the first time I had almost none! I want to thank you Janice for the work that you do and for being so kind and caring towards me.  I can't speak highly enough about your experience and your knowledge.  It's an amazing gift and I'm so grateful and happy for allowing God to use you in this way.  God bless you always.

Doris Lock

Ovarian Cancer. I had the pleasure of working with Janice last year during my recovery from Ovarian cancer surgery. I’ve been a vegetarian most of my life with occasionally eating fish to keep up my protein intake. I’ve followed her advice and added them to my usual vitamin and mineral schedule. I’m happy to report I’ve been in remission now for over nearly 2 years and continue to follow the plan Janice had suggested. I feel wonderful and back to my usual Pilates and weightlifting. I can’t recommend Janice enough to lead you through tough times of illness. Bless her.

Liz Dantzie

Spondylitis. I was diagnosed with Spondylitis at which stage in desperation I contacted Janice. I was worried about my health but understood how dedicated Janice was and her understanding about the use of herbal remedies came highly recommended. She immediately listened to my story and prescribed herbal medication and agreed my food and exercise plan with the gym should continue (I go to the gym every morning). I was excited about feeling better and was surprised when I almost immediately felt a change in my body. You see I have been in pain for so long I was desperate for healing. My headaches subsided first and as the days went by, I was able to move to the standing position from my bed without my walking stick. I was no longer struggling to change positions in bed, no longer experiencing spasms every time I tried to bend and pick something up off the floor or get dressed. I am no longer having to use the shower as opposed to the bath as sometime my pain was so severe, I struggled to get out of the bath.

I am not yet pain free but on a journey of healing. I don’t need pain killers due to the relief the prescribed herbal medication is providing. I am now able to run on the treadmill and use gym equipment that I did not believe I would ever use again. I am getting my life back and determined to continue using the herbal medication to improve my quality of life. I want to thank Janice for supporting me on my journey of healing and mobility. My treatment continues.

Michelle Wallace

Secondary Breast Cancer. I contacted Janice after being diagnosed with secondary breast cancer…Janice put together a programme for me to follow and I’m delighted to have received a clear scan result. I would highly recommend contacting Janice and start to heal naturally.

Karen Williams-Thompson

Asthma. I had the pleasure of meeting and working with Janice several months ago; what stood out for me is her genuine interest in the well being of others and her desire to share this knowledge and touch as many lives as possible. Janice’s gentle yet firm tone allows you to know she understands and cares; I appreciated this as she shared new insights with me on how to improve my overall health as someone with asthma. Her attention to detail and the simple yet impactful programme makes it all achievable with no feeling of overwhelm. Janice’s extensive knowledge as a naturopath gave me the confidence I needed to take the step and embrace this method of managing my well-being. If you are curious or have a desire to improve and experience the best wellness experience, then I strongly suggest you connect with Janice.

Many thanks Janice

Gia Casteel-Brown

Menopausal Issues/Insomnia. For the past several years I have been suffering from sleep deprivation due to night sweats..I had bee taking bupropion, a steroid prescribed y my doctor…She had been urging me to get on HRT so I could sleep. I was adamant not to due to my family history…and felt from experience that the best thing for health is holistic medicine. Janice was so open to talking with me. Her warm and caring disposition made it very easy and comfortable to talk to…Due to Janice’s recommendation, I came off the medication after 20+years! It disturbs me that I took something for so long and kept having the same issue…Now I am experiencing up to 7 hours sleep which I have not done in the past three years without sleep aids…

Thank you Janice!! You are my Godsend!

Nikohl Laidler

Stress management. Life these days is very stressful and full of obstacles to navigate through. During this journey it was recommended that I try an antidepressant to help me. Before I went that route I called my naturopath for guidance and boy oh boy am I glad I did. Her natural recommendation and guidance worked and is now part of my daily routine.

Nyasha Gwatidzo

Chronic pain and inflammation. I have been working with Janice for the past 3 months: the pains have gone and I feel a lot lighter than ever. I am forever grateful for her energy and unconditional support ❤️

Ungenita Prevost

Health Optimisation. I have consulted with many health practitioners, traditional and "alternative," and Janice is a master at assessing a situation and dividing it into achievable steps that inspire further actions. I signed up for Janice’s 30 day program “Your Body Is Your Business”. I have a better understanding of the inner workings of my body. No more buying into the latest and greatest health fad (not knowing if it’s truly supporting me on a cellular level). She takes the mystery out of what foods to eat and breaks down exactly how to supplement and detoxify your body.

She designed a customized supplementation plan which includes vitamins, minerals and herbs to address my needs and health goals. It’s not a one size fits all health practice.

On top of that, I actually feel better; I pay attention to what my body is telling me, and take better care of myself overall due to Janice’s coaching and recommendations. She is knowledgeable and wise and—unlike many “health coaches” I’ve come across—she’s actually healed people from life threatening diseases. Five-star service, I would encourage EVERY woman in business looking to drop unhealthy habits, heal or wants a healthier body to consult with Janice FIRST. Even if there is nothing medically to heal, I believe her Intelligent Healing practice can lead to optimal health, because it has for me. If you care about the health of your business, you must make the health of your body your #1 priority. I cannot recommend her enough. Go see her!


Cancer Post Surgery. I had been not feeling myself for several months and realised it was time to consult with a Naturopath practitioner for some guidance on cleansing my body and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I have always tried to practice eating healthily over the past decade and a half: however, like many people, would have periodic lapses from time to time, largely due to living a hectic life dominated by long, stressful working hours with little sleep. Following some serious health challenges in recent years that by the grace of God I have managed to overcome, I felt it was imperative to ensure that I took care of my body and maintained healthy living. Throughout a series of consultations with Janice she was able to help me improve my diet and ensure that I tried to get sufficient rest, sleep and of course, regular exercise. Little did I know at the time that this Covid-19 pandemic was lurking on the horizon and about to turn all our lives upside down: it appears in my case as someone classified in that"vulnerable" group that by divine intervention I had already begun my sessions with Janice in good time to build up my immune system under her guidance and I began to be much stronger physically and mentally. The one thing I had not managed to program into my daily routine successfully was regular exercise. However, one benefit of the lockdown regime has served as a catalyst for me starting a daily routine or exercise in the way of enjoyable walks between 5 to 70km in the park close to my home. I would like to thank Janice for her patience and careful guidance and for identifying the appropriate program for my health needs that has put me on track. Janice may God continue to bless your ministry and you as you continue to help countless others.


Hypothyroidism. Janice has helped me to re-balance my whole life. She has given me invaluable information on nutrition and self-care. I have Hypothyroidism which is an under active thyroid gland which comes with an array of symptoms. Janice designed a detox plan specifically tailored to my needs to try to alleviate the symptoms I'd been suffering from for years. Since completing the Detox and continuing to adhere to Janice's advice,  I can definitely see my face and body is less inflamed. My face is not puffy, red, or dry anymore and my eyes are bright white. I have lost weight as my fat just seemed to melt away!  I am sleeping much better which in turn has increased my energy levels.  I feel like my digestion is so much better too, as I no longer get any sharp pains in my stomach. My mental health has definitely improved, my anxiety and depression have lifted so I can now think more clearly. I used to suffer from really bad PMS for a couple of weeks a month but the symptoms have really reduced  - sometimes I don't even get any! Janice is so kind and supportive, I would not have come this for without her. There have been times when I started to slip bock into my old ways and the original symptoms will begin to return. However, I always know that Janice is happy to chat with me and she gently helps me to get back on track by reminding me not to be so hard on myself. I highly recommend Janice as the work she has done with me has been invaluable and I look forward to continuing my journey with Janice's guidance.


Breast Cancer. Since I began working together with Janice a few months ago, I am already feeling the benefits of Janice's knowledge and wisdom from following the programme she created for me. I was diagnosed with stage 2B breast cancer in 2017 and for 2 years followed a natural protocol of healing. It hasn't been easy to find a suitable naturopathic practitioner. Janice was recommended to me by a trusted source and our first meeting began with technical issues even before we had spoken However, from the first moment, we worked together, sought out a solution and had our first consultation. Janice is super cool, calm, collected and most importantly, caring. Janice listens and remembers and put together a programme that is uncomplicated, easy to follow with readily and affordable supplement links. Recipe ideas and diet planning are also well balanced and tasty. Janice will provide you with the building blocks and foundation to build a new healthy state and her ongoing support is the scaffolding which will at some point come down once your new healthy home is ready to move into. Already I am seeing and feeling the benefit of Janice's input into my health programme and to quote Janice, I am happier and more confident". I would strongly recommend Janice to anyone feeling confused about their health issues.


Triple Negative Breast Cancer. A heart felt thank you to Janice. After being diagnosed with TN breast cancer in Feb I am now starting a new chapter in my life with my wonderful husband and beautiful daughter and I would not be able to achieve it without you. Aside from my family and friends you have shared your love and knowledge throughout the worst time in my life with nothing to gain and I will be forever grateful. If anyone is starting on their cancer journey, fill your mind with as much information at possible before you decide how you want your journey to go and make sure you're comfortable with all the information you need before making the most important decision of your life. I could not be happier with mine. If you also decide the same, follow the protocols and do what you're told that's my best advice. Thank you from the bottom of my heart xxxxxx


Lichen Sclerosus. ...Just a quick message to say my lichen is gone! Whatever it is in the program, I don't know, but I do know I have you to thank So you're a star!


Ulcerative Colitis. I have been a ulcerative colitis sufferer for 14 years. Throughout my journey I have been on and off in remission and been on all sorts of medication and steroids though out my life. I met Janice and she guided me to a life changing course. I followed her protocol and now I can say I have stopped taking all the conventional medication and I've never felt better, Janice is a wonder woman. She's  performed a miracle by healing me and if you believe in naturally healing your body without drugs then I highly over and above recommend Janice.


IBS, Diabetes, Fatigue and Anxiety. I approached Janice after suffering from on-going digestive issues, uncontrollable diabetes and debilitating lethargy. After implementing Janice's comprehensive programme which she had tailor made to my specific medical issues, l've noticed a huge difference and marked improvement in my well being. Alongside being extremely caring, supportive, conscientious and professional in her approach, she is very knowledgeable in her field of expertise. Undergoing this programme has been eye opening and life changing for us and has transformed the way in which we view what we put in our bodies. We can't recommend Janice highly enough! Thank you!


Bowel Cancer. This woman has been my angel. She has guided me through all sorts from when we found out my dad had cancer. She has always been there during all of it! Her knowledge and advice have supported the whole family in understanding the importance of strict diet and supplements. Still now I constantly text her to check in if certain foods are safe and she always guides me in the right direction. A***


Bone Cancer. Hi I'm 15 years old with Osteosarcoma bone cancer in my lungs... I got told my scan results - they didn't have the report but I got to see the scans and it's getting smaller. I really wanted to thank Janice for the diet and detox.


Colon Cancer. I had the great pleasure of speaking with Janice the other day. As soon as we spoke I felt like I had known her for years, she makes you feel at ease and her advice is fantastic. She introduced me to information I never thought about before and opened my eyes to a wider picture. I am very grateful that Janice has been a part of contributing to my health and I highly recommend her. Kind regards.


Father with Lung Cancer. Get in touch with Janice for a consultation on the vegan diet. She is so helpful and absolutely amazing.


Liver Cancer Hi I can fully recommend Janice, she will go through your complete medical history and provide you with a personal health program... I should have done this years ago... Thank you for the recommendation xx


Health Retreat Attendee. Dear Janice, I have been trying to do the HITT almost every day since I came back so far so good! I feel very happy. Hopefully I will be able to maintain this permanently and many thanks for your brilliant feedback which I will try to follow to the letter. Love to you and your beautiful family.

Camille H

Stage 4 Breast Cancer. I was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer approximately ten years ago. It came as a 'bolt out of the blue'. So, important decisions had to be made quickly. Janice provided huge assistance and was a tower of support to me in my decision process. Drawing on her knowledge, she thought about the steps needed for my body to fight the disease. Taking intelligent action was a major key. This involved working out an initial 3-week detox and rebuilding programme to boost my immune system. Juicing, enemas, hydrotherapy and a change in my dietary regime were just four of the things Janice initiated. The programme was intense, timely and hard — but worthwhile. It definitely helped me! Janice sacrificed sleep, her energy and her family time to work tirelessly with me. She felt my pain and believed with me that healing was possible. She gave me the drive needed for my journey. I see Janice as a devoted person who is passionate about helping others to better health. If someone asked, I would explain that I have no reservation in recommending such a dedicated and wonderful adviser.


Multiple Sclerosis. At Christmas, my son was rushed to hospital with a mystery condition that required him staying overnight and returning daily for 5 days without fail to receive a high dosage of intravenous steroids. He soon recovered and nothing more was thought of it until the mystery condition of failing balance, inability to walk evenly, tiredness and disturbed vision returned just prior to his GCSE exams. This time he was diagnosed with MS. After endless scans and almost weekly appointments with varying consultants, it was decided to start him on a lifetime of medication that may or may not help him or lengthen his life expectancy or mobility. Of course, there is no understanding of this condition and so any treatment is really a shot in the dark. Imagine what this meant to a young boy who was now entering A Levels and the prime years of his life. A young man with high ambitions. I was against conventional medication and decided to approach Janice for a second opinion. As a family friend, I knew they would be honest with me and only suggest the best and safest route.

They come from a spiritual and healthy vision of life. Without question, they were willing to help and now I had to persuade a young man with a great belief in Science, no spirituality, to be willing to consider an alternative approach to his condition. I was anxious about talking to my son about an alternative which I expected him to view as quackery. Janice told me things could only progress with them if my son was willing and if I could get him to agree to visit with them, then half the battle would be won. Surprisingly my son accepted to visit Janice, still holding on to his intention to take conventional medication regardless - I think he agreed more to please me but I did know that deep down he was worried that his life was starting to collapse and he had already started talking about the things he would do over the next 5 years before he expected not to be able to walk unaided and then the intention to end his life. Just thinking about his conversations upset me.

On the journey up to Janice my son felt sick and wanted to turn back and I often wonder if that was the work of the devil because we argued about continuing the journey or turning back. But being the driver he had to go with what I said. My son did not know Janice except as a small toddler so not only was he going to meet a new person he knew she was going to try and use some form of homeopathy to heal him which was a joke to him. I know that deep down he wanted a solution and this was my only chance. I had pre-warned Janice that it could be a difficult session and that at the end of the day my son may reject everything. I was so shocked that he engaged fully with the presentations that were given and was asking questions and responding positively to the point that he was willing to give the offered prescription a chance.

Within 2 weeks we received the necessary products and time table schedule that my son would have to undergo with conviction and no cutting of corners. Some things would be difficult like enemas and psyllium and days of melon juice but we persevered. His diet had to change completely and to support him I and my daughter changed our diet as well. Now that is another story to how our own health has improved just by supporting him. The schedule was rigid and un-negotiable and throughout the early stages, I was often on the phone to Janice in tears because my son was fighting the routine and she made calls and sent messages of support and encouragement. My son eventually would ask me to contact them with his concerns and questions which were always answered. Almost overnight our diet changed. A juicer was bought. No more butter, dairy, meat, coffee, alcohol, sugary foods could be found in the house. We had to do it together as a family. I went on to read about MS to find that very little is really known about it and any scientific treatment was just a stop gap. Since that first meeting with Janice, my son had a week relapse which we were able to link to coffee and doctors were surprised that symptoms disappeared before the steroid medication could have kicked in.

That was the last time my son took medication (2011). Doctor's prescribed Copaxone - a month supply of which has been sitting in the fridge for almost a year. Every month the medical company would call to arrange a delivery and every month I would refuse and within 3 months they stopped calling. His assigned nurse has also stopped calling. My son still attends neurology appointments which finds everything in order to the point they will not give him further brain scans to see if the lesions are healing because he has no symptoms. He has been strong in his mind to tell his consultant that he refuses any form of medication at this point although they keep trying to persuade him to start. The medical profession said that how his MS progresses in the first 5 years will outline how it will progress throughout his life. So 3 years on it seems it may just be rare episodes if at all. The homeopathic treatment is expensive but not as expensive as the value of my son's life. He has settled into his own routine because he has researched for himself.

He still asks me to ask questions of Mark and Janice and wants to know that they are only a phone call away because he will call them first when things go wrong. In fact, he is happy for either of them to come to any medical appointment where he feels he is not confident to fight his conviction - although I have not told them so. My son is now at university and is still taking his vitamin and mineral routine. I make sure that if nothing else I can fund the expense. He is not worried any longer although I am sure it is at the back of his mind. When Janice told us that it could be bad diet and deficiencies that are the contributing factor I looked at my own health when pregnant and remember I was told I was devoid of Vitamin B which is a key factor to neurological issues along with Vitamin D and others. Janice was particular in taking supplements that did not contain animal products, keeping foods raw as far as possible. My son, even though at university knows he needs to aim for 80% raw and he is at 50% even though away from home.

I owe my son's life to Janice although I know they will say it is owed to God and they are right but they guided me and my son to a better way. I do not know what the future holds but I do know and believe that my son does have MS but I am not convinced it is the scientific illness that the consultants expect. I believe it is down to inappropriate diet and lack of proper vitamins and nutrients that our daily foods are so devoid of. I cook less food and eat more fresh foods and cut out everything that debilitates the body over time. Yes, it makes Christmas and birthdays harder but my son's life is worth more than a thousand birthdays and Christmases. So this year we will have a hearty salad and roasted vegetables and a champagne flute of fresh juice. God brought Janice into my life many years ago. I understand now why. I would not know where to turn and would have accepted any scientific treatment offered if I did not remember or have them in my life.

I have recommended them to others who are hesitant about leaving conventional methods. I feel so sorry for them. My son and I took the chance and even if my son is not cured they have ensured that any deteriorating progress is limited which gives my son the opportunity to live his life as a young man stress- free to pursue his dreams and ambitions that the doctors almost took away from him. To know they are both down the end of the phone fills me with confidence that when I need to I can go to them in the security that my son's issues are at the heart of their thinking and prayers before money or fame. I see them as God's healing hands here on Earth to deliver mental, spiritual and emotional healing for those who believe and even if you don't believe. My son accepted prayer and spiritual words of hope and encouragement when I least expected it and can openly speak about his spirituality. I thank God for Janice and the hope she has restored to my son and my family. I do not fear things going wrong because they are there and I know exactly where to turn.

Thank you Janice.