

Ready to change your life by reigniting your body? It's time for you to join the ultimate heart-opening and health reviving retreat experience Monday 2nd to Thursday 5th October 2023, Let's get it in the diary!

Imagine this…. You immerse yourself in nature and let nature love you back to balance and an anchoring sense of wellbeing and renewal that you've been longing for. Release yourself from the rat race and the burden of toxic load in the body and the mind. Return home - - knowing how to translate healthy principles into daily practice - with a clear plan - with access to support to continue healing - with greater mental clarity - feeling energised and relaxed in mind and body - more committed to listening to your body - reignited with joy and laughter - feeling inspired to be more and do more

Our retreats are for those who want to continue to get the most out of life at every stage through total renewal in a gorgeous natural setting. As a naturopath who has reversed many adverse health conditions, our retreats are second to none and have been truly lifechanging, unlike others which claim to be experts but don't have Janice's 20 years experience. Janice is also the only naturopath that uses her musicianship as part of the healing modality. She couldn’t be more excited to welcome you to this experience. Every time the retreats just get better and better and this is no exception.

At Intelligent Healing we put much love into curating a phenomenal intimate retreat where authentic communication is encouraged and highly valued. It is a place for you to be seen, heard and treated how you deserve to be treated, while being guided into a healthier and happier life.